[RTTY] WAE DX RTTY contest results

w9hly@decaturnet.com w9hly@decaturnet.com
Thu, 15 Nov 2001 14:21:03 -0500

CALL: W9HLY      

Single OP., All Band


 	 QSOs	QTCs	Multipliers	

80m: 	4	   0		4

40m:	17	   0		24

20m:	216	   160	104

15m:	177	   200	94

10m:	232	   390	84

Total:	646 +	750     *	310	= 432760

Station Description:	 FT-1000MP Mark 5 (70/80w)
Antenna(s):	 TH6DXX (10/15/20), 40 sloper, 80 dipole
Software:		WriteLog/MMTTY combo

Comment:  A little chuckle was had when I got ready to send QTC to 
a certain station only to find out my plate was empty. The form said I 
didn't have any QTC and there were bunches. I apologized to the 
op. He asked if I could receive. I said QRV. He came back and said 
he couldn't xmit QTC because of a computer hitch. We were even.
I had to restart the program and all was well. I noted that MMTTY 
AFC button became activated infrequently for no apparent reason. 
Not a problem, however.

Good fun but think conditions were soft on 10 and 15 this weekend. 
20 was very productive. Anything I can do about that?
