Jeff Stai WK6I jstai@home.com
Sun, 30 Sep 2001 18:38:47 -0700

Call: WK6I
Class: SOAB LP

 Band     QSOs   Pts  States   DX   Zones
   80:      8     10      6      2      3
   40:     10     12      8      2      3
   20:    161    328     37     44     24
   15:    262    509     45     49     25
   10:    160    304     41     35     20
Total:    601   1163     75    132    137  =  400,072

Station Description: FT1000D - Sony VAIO laptop - writelog/mmtty plugin
Antenna(s): C3SS, wire loop for 40/80

I have lots of comments and questions, but will save them for later
when I have time. Biggest comment/question is regarding the exchange and
knowing that the other station got it when you are doing S&P... It seems
to me if you send "QSL" while I am still transmitting, I'm not going to
see it (unless everyone else has QSK RTTY and I am the last to know?).
More than once I came out of sending my exchange to find the other
station halfway thru their CQ - did they get my exchange or give up?
Or maybe they were working a similar call and I incorrectly assumed
they were answering me (e.g., 2KYI). So, I got a few "B4"s because I
was unwilling to log the uncertain exchange - which of course wastes
everyone's time. In other cases I was apparently justified (no B4 anyway).

Enough venting - I really had a great time and was tickled to just make
it over 400,000 points and 600 QSOs claimed in the last 15 minutes.
(Special thanks to the KH6 who gave me the missing multiplier on 10m
to put me over the top!). Considering I could not even -spell- RTTY a
year ago, I feel pretty OK about this...;-)

73! - jeff wk6i

jeff stai
radio stuff:   WK6I in DM13
rocket stuff:  NAR #21059 TRA #3356 Level 2 Cert.
email:         jstai@home.com or wk6i@arrl.net
ROC web page:  http://www.rocstock.org/
LDRS web page: http://www.ldrs20.org/