nh6xm@flex.com nh6xm@flex.com
Sun, 30 Sep 2001 18:57:08 -1000

At 09:35 PM 9/30/01 -0700, Kok Chen wrote:
>After working Hawaii on 3 bands, and none of them were seen
>to QSY bands.  By Saturday morning, I started getting suspicious
>of a KH6 conspiracy.  These guys would CQ into a dead band and
>won't QSY!
>The conspiracy?  Check your logs.  Look for KH7, AH7, AH6, KH6
>and NH6's.  Notice anything funny?
Oh, oh guys, they're on to us. Next contest we'll jun ken po to see who
goes SOAB. :-))

 Hey, maybe that's why I had such a fantastic pile-up! <g>  Glad I could
give the zone 31 multi on 10. 

Cu all in JARTS.

73, John