[RTTY] The RTTY World Rank List
Jeff Stai WK6I
Tue, 04 Sep 2001 12:54:58 -0700
At 12:07 PM 9/4/01, Hill, Don wrote:
>There are some callsigns in the top ten that might surprise you.
heck, there were callsigns in the top 300 that surprised me!
a fine job, Waldemar!
73 - jeff wk6i (#300 in the world and darn proud of it!-)
jeff stai
radio stuff: WK6I in DM13
rocket stuff: NAR #21059 TRA #3356 Level 2 Cert.
email: jstai@home.com or wk6i@arrl.net
ROC web page: http://www.rocstock.org/
LDRS web page: http://www.ldrs20.org/