[RTTY] AW: [WriteLog] Win98->Win XP?
Sauvageot Christoph
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 18:20:50 +0200
If you buy a new car. Do want use the oil from the old one ?
73 Chris
-----Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: dj3iw@t-online.de [mailto:dj3iw@t-online.de]
Gesendet am: Freitag, 16. August 2002 17:39
An: WriteLog; RTTY
Betreff: [WriteLog] Win98->Win XP?
Hello friends!
A new fast computer is about to take over from my old Pentium 200MMX.
The new one will run Windows XP home. I am looking for an easy and
fast method to transfer my (mainly ham-) software from the WIN98 machine
to the new one. I want to avoid installing everything from scratch.
What can the gurus recommend?
73 de Goetz
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