[RTTY] Fw: Morning all
Robert Webb
Robert Webb" <g0urr@btopenworld.com
Sat, 17 Aug 2002 09:31:16 +0100
> Well good morning everyone, boy that was the best start to a contest i
> had in a while, good dx on all bands. Saw some nice dx on 80m but missed a
> VE who stopped calling cq as soon as i found him, and Don, you were just
> strong enough to complete. May and NO2T were very strong on 40m way after
> sunrise. Lots of dx on 20/15 but the suprise was when i called on a lively
> sounding but devoid of signals 10m and got immediate replies from around 5
> stations and ended up with VK6GOM in the log.All in all a good 5 hrs in
> shack with 158 Q's in the log. Only one problem though, all the logged
> stations are behind by 1 hour. Anybody know what i need to do ??. 73's all
> and see you tonite.
> Robert Webb