Costas Krallis SV1XV sv1xv@eexi.gr
Sun, 18 Aug 2002 23:21:45 +0300

Hi Phil,

> Well, that was fun! And the best bit was I worked a new country -
> OA and not just once, but on TWO bands as well!

I worked him as well, very strong signal on 21 MHz at 22:18 UTC!

> I didn't see any W7's, and W8 was pretty rare here as well.

I managed to work K7SV and W8HGH on 14 MHz but no trace of
W0 stations.

My results:
         QSO   Points  Mult
14 MHz   183    2170    65
21 MHz    18     210    17
28 MHz    10     115     8

My claimed score for SOSB/20 is 141050.

73 Costas SV1XV