[RTTY] AA5AU Websites Updated 12/12/02

Don Hill AA5AU aa5au@bellsouth.net
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 11:28:27 -0600

On my WriteLog website http://www.geocities.com/writelog/

Added link to example RTTY messages for the upcoming ARRL RTTY
Roundup (my messages have changed slightly from previous years).
Added a link to the official rules for the ARRL RTTY Roundup.
Updated AA5AU master RTTY callsign database for WriteLog (.dta file) to
include new calls logged during the TARA RTTY Sprint.  The database
now includes 21,763 callsigns.

On my AA5AU RTTY page http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html

Updated AA5AU master RTTY callsign database in ASCII form for use with
WF1B and other programs.

This will be the last callsign database update before the ARRL RTTY Roundup
since I'll be duck hunting during the OK RTTY contest next weekend.

Hope to play in the ARRL 10M contest this weekend (CW only) and am starting
to get very excited about the Roundup.  This will be my 15th Roundup having 
operated each of the previous 14 years.  Hope to see you there!

Happy Holidays - 73