Ekki Plicht
Mon, 4 Feb 2002 19:47:08 +0100
Hi Don,
I can understand your frustration very well.
It's not only an increasing problem in NA but EU also. With the advent of
soundcard based RTTY solutions it seems to me that the knowledge about
interfacing of AF signals to a transceiver has diminished.
During XE test I had several stations who had signals abt. 2 kHz wide,
spurious signals all over etc. Most of these stns seem to come from east EU,
but also Italy, Germany, Spain and other places.
What bothers me most is that when you point out the problem, you are most
regularly ignored, your receiver is blamed, you are yelled at and all.
So what can we do?
As experienced RTTYers all we should do is educate others in a polite,
unoffensive way. Someone wrote on this list that he tries to write to the
affected stations an email, telling them abt the problem. I think this is a
good idea, but will probably yield the a.m. results and more frustration.
Besides telling individuals, perhaps some of us can go out and educate
people before they start causing bad signals on the band. Hold speeches at
your local club, write an article for you club magazine, show on your
website what can be done etc.
I did most of that (speeches, articles, emailing) and was quite pleased with
the responses.
Ekki, DF4OR