Hill, Don dhill@cprk.com
Mon, 4 Feb 2002 10:01:59 -0600

I want to apologize to the reflector for this message I sent
Saturday night during the contest.  I was extremely frustrated.

I'm not sure how many of you participated in the contest and
saw what I was trying to elude to but in all my contesting years
I've never seen so many stations on at the same time with very
bad image signals all over the bands.  I tracked each one down
and every one of them was from an XE station.

Several times I had to move my CQ frequency because of an image
signal coming on right on top of me.  Being mostly a low power
contester, I'm used to moving frequencies, and on 10, 15 & 20
meters it's not that big of deal since there is plenty of room.

But on 40M, I could not find any clear frequencies down around
7040 with all the spurious signals and could not copy the weak
EU stations because of all the QRM.  I finally snapped and
sent the message out in frustration.  It was wrong of me to do so.

Of the 25-30 XE stations I worked, there were 12 that had
image signals.  When you live just across the Gulf of Mexico
as I do, these signals can be VERY strong.  Normally I don't hear
XE on 10 & 15 because we are so close, but propagation was
different this weekend and they were booming all weekend long,
which was good, or bad, depending on how you look at it.

I will mention something in my COMMENTS when I send in my
log.  I shouldn't have expressed it here like I did.

See everyone is the WPX contest next weekend.  I'm looking forward
to it.

73, Don AA5AU

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Hill AA5AU [mailto:aa5au@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 8:59 PM
To: RTTY Reflector
Subject: [RTTY] XE FUN!

There are literally thousands of XE RTTY signals on the bands
this weekend despite there only being a handful of actual XE stations.

Come join the fun & test your skills!

73, Don AA5AU

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