Bill Turner
Mon, 11 Feb 2002 08:51:19 -0800
On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 15:06:06 -0000, Mobile Workshop wrote:
>As Don has mentioned in the past, we need to educate some of these guys, but
>I am not sure it is too practical in the midst of battle. It also doesn't
>take into account the fact that there may be a problem with language either.
>Anyone got any good ideas??
I don't know how good these ideas are, but there are three things I do
to combat what you're talking about:
1. I never begin the exchange until I see my call print correctly. I
will accept my call with wrong shift characters (2U58 in place of W7TI),
but if I don't see that, I just keep sending my call until he gets it.
2. I have a buffer, Shift-F5, which says CALL CALL AGN PSE.
3. And another buffer, Shift-F3 which says MY CALL IS W7TI W7TI W7TI
Not a complete answer I'm sure, but I'm open to further suggestions.
73, Bill W7TI