[RTTY] LX5A MOST HP Claimed score

Ekki Plicht ekki@plicht.de
Mon, 11 Feb 2002 23:55:58 +0100

                      WPX WW Contest

Callsign         : LX5A
Loc./DXCC/Cont.  : LX / LX / EU
Category         : Multi Op. / All Band / Single TRX
Mode             : RTTY
Power            : HIGH   400 Watt
Contest Date     : 09.02.2002
Default Exchange : 599
Operating Time   : 48:00 h
Software         : RCKRtty V2.14
Operators        : DF7ZS, LX1RQ, DL1ZBO, DF4OR

BAND  QSOs  Valid QSOs  Points  WPX
10     396      394      1041   260
15     378      375       966   262
20     388      383       933   262
40     225      221      1016   167
80     207      206       850   146
      1594     1579      4806   507*
* = Counted only once (not once per band)

Most often worked Prefixes:
RA3 (23)
W8  (16)
SP9, UA3, W1 (15)

Final Score: 4806 * 507 = 2.436.642

About ten days before WPX we heard about DF7ZS, Helmut who was looking for a
crew for WPX at LX5A, because his initial plans didn't work out. So we
(Rainer, DL1ZBO and me, DF4OR) decided to go to LX instead of a SOAB effort
from home. Joined by Robert, LX1RQ we had a real fun weekend at the scout
camp in Wiltz near the ON/LX Border in the north of LX.

Arrived Friday noon and setup the 80/40m antennas on the camp (22mtr/77ft
vertical for 80m, 2x 10mtr/32ft phased array verticals for 40m, Dipole), the
TH6DX for 20/15/10 is permanently installed. Of course, antenna setup was
done in bad weather...

The two radio setup (2x FT-1000MP + 2x TL922) worked fine, the two notebooks
were using RCKRtty, one with a PTC-2pro TU, the other with MMTTY. The usual
screw-ups, things which worked nicely at home didn't work on site
(Transceiver control, PTT keying etc.), but were solved before contest start
at 01:00 am local.

After a slow start we got some nice runs on 40 and 80 during the night, good
openings continued on saturday. 20m stayed open well into the night, some US
signals were heard nearly all night. Condx improved on sunday, did some nice
DX (5U, KH2, KH6) but did not chase S9 or others.

A jammer on 40m (east Europe?) chased us between 7040 and 7080, very
annoying. Severe static on 80m made operation impossible at times.

MMTTY outperformed the PTC-2 quite often, and tuning is definetely easier
with the xy-display. Networking RCKRtty worked fine after some testing. The
phased array verticals on 40m were very good, if you have the space and
can't use a beam, go for it.

All in all we had a fantastic weekend, and are very pleased with the

Thanks to the contest sponsors, thanks to Walter (DL4RCK) for sponsoring a
license of RCKRtty for the clubstation. Thanks to all who worked us. QSL
info: via LX1RQ, bureau or direct (see www.qsl.net/lx5a).

Robert (LX1RQ), Helmut (DF7ZS), Rainer (DL1ZBO), Ekki (DF4OR)