[RTTY] PW0T - disgusting!
Ken Eigsti
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 16:14:14 -0700
Hi TTyers,
What happens when certain rttyers, who have no clue they are on simplex,
continue to send their call about 8-10 times while you are trying to work
the dx? This is not just one transmission but on and on. I guess eventually
they will figure it out but meantime your Q is blown because you cannot
copy your report.
Food for thought I guess..is sending "UP UP" worse or the lid's call 10
times on top the weak dx?
No matter what words the DX sends "UP or Not here" it won't make a
difference to a few who are sloppy about working split or don't know how to
operate their radio.
Cops are a pain, listen to the TI and PW operations on phone.. but what is
the answer?
At 03:16 PM 2/21/02 -0500, you wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Kok Chen" <chen@mac.com>
>To: >Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 2:04 PM
>Subject: Re: [RTTY] PW0T - disgusting!
>> On 2/21/02 3:55 AM, "WA9ALS - John" <wa9als@starband.net> wrote:
>> > Maybe they should better send "NOT HR NOT HR"
>> Unlike CW, where you can copy "UP" through another signal, two
>> RTTY signals on top of one another (unless one is larger than
>> the other one by the capture ratio of the modem) will result
>> in garbage.
>My comment above was in jest - I meant the -DX- station might send "CALLSIGN
>QRZ NOT HR"... ;-)
>I agree that certainly the cops have no role, and even the well-intentioned
>probably should refrain from even sending "UP" in RTTY.
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