Kari Hirvonen kari.hirvonen@alpha.fi
Wed, 02 Jan 2002 12:49:48 +0200

OH2BP / SARTG NEW YEAR 2002  RTTY  1.1.2002

SingleOp/All Band (80 & 40 only), 3h sprint

80 M     21 Qso,  17 Multi

40 M     71 Qso,  30 Multi

Total 47 x 92 =  4324 P.


soap box - OH2BP

Less Scandinavians participating this year, actually only a couple of
OH, OZ and just a single LA were worked and logged here.
Weird condix on 80 M - no DX. However, a short early morning gray line
tube on 40 M to the States served a few big gun
stns W4GMH, W1ZT and W4OX to my log.
Equipment: JRC  Automatic Line:  JST-245 + JRL-2000HF (1 KW FET) and
Antennas: 40 M Cuscraft 2 el @ 80 ft. & 80 M dipole @ 100 ft.


Thanks for everybody worked me, see u agn in ARRL RTTY next weekend.

Kari, OH2BP  (OH0BP)

                Kari Hirvonen Alpha Point Ltd
           /\   P.O. Box 41, FIN-00751 Helsinki, Finland
          /  \  kari.hirvonen@alpha.fi
   ___   /  /   WWW: http://www.alpha.fi
 /  _  \/  /    Visiting address: Maatullinaukio 10 B, Helsinki 00750
/  / \     \           Mobile: +358-50-68800
\  \_/  /\  \   /\     Office: +358-9-34 64 34 1
 \ ___ /  \__\ /__\    Fax:    +358-9-34 64 34 2
                A.R.S  OH2BP@SRAL.FI