[RTTY] Number of Partipants in RTTY Contests

Bill Turner w7ti@dslextreme.com
Sun, 13 Jan 2002 07:51:50 -0800

On Sun, 13 Jan 2002 04:15:53 +0000, W6OTC wrote:

>The largest participation, by far, measured by contacts made is in CQWW
>(Sept), the second largest in CQ/RJ WPX (Feb), the third is RU.  Look at the
>number of QSO's.  The top single op in CQWW is in the high 2000 QSO's. the
>multi's are at 4000+ QSO's.  The numbers in WPX are 500 QSO's or so less
>than in CQWW and the numbers in RU are lower.  These are the top 3 contests.


I'm not sure one can measure participation by the number of contacts
made, for a couple of reasons.

1.  The first two contests you mentioned are longer than the Roundup.
In the RR, all stations are limited to 24 hours, even multi-op.  In the
WPX, SO has 30 hours and MO has 48.  In the CQWW DX, all stations have

2. The CQWW DX has band multipliers, which encourages additional Qs on
other bands.

IMO, the best method of measuring participation is either number of logs
submitted (to count "serious" contesters) or number of calls in all of
the logs (to count both serious and casual contesters).

Counting the number of Qs does show the overall activity, but that isn't
quite the same as the amount of participation.  A fine distinction, it's
true.  Both counts are important, but different.

73, Bill W7TI