[RTTY] Number of Partipants in RTTY Contests

Mike Mellinger WA0SXV wa0sxv@mellinger.com
Sun, 13 Jan 2002 16:30:31 -0600

One of the things that would possibly get more logs submitted is
simplifying the process.  There are multiple RTTY contests that I simply
don't submit logs to any more (and frequently don't even participate in)
because of things like summary sheets, per band logs, checklists,
presumptuous UBN checking, and the like.  Couple that with complex rules
(Expert category if you change band too often) and it discourages
participation and logging.

Cabrillo as really increased the number of logs I send.  Takes me about
2 minutes at the end of the contest to be ready.

Sometimes, I even get by the ARRL robot the first time!
