[RTTY] RTTY activity from North America

Hill, Don dhill@cprk.com
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 11:46:21 -0600

The 10M band does not open here in the southeast
US until around 1300Z.  Many of us in North America
have to start our work day well before then except
those that are retired.

By the time some of us reach home at say 2300-0200Z,
the band is only open to the Pacific or possibly to
JA and Asia from the West Coast USA.

I do see a fair amount of activity from North America
on 10 meters during the weekend days of Saturday
and Sunday.

If the Europeans can't find North American stations
because NA operators are at work, the same can be
said for North American stations looking for JA or
Asian stations from 2300-0200Z.  We scan the band
and find no signals even though we know the band is open.

How many times have we come across stations like VR2BG
during RTTY contests but rarely hear this part of the
world during the week?  It's probably because they are
at work.

73, Don AA5AU (at work with no radio!)

-----Original Message-----
From: DJ3IW Goetz [mailto:k0869565@tiscalinet.de]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 10:54 AM
Subject: [RTTY] RTTY activity from North America

Hello all,
ten metres is open to NA for many hours every day now,
but why is nobody (well almost) from NA active in Baudot RTTY?
Even extended cq calls using fairly high power do not produce
a response. I sure would like to see some activity outside
RTTY contests.

73 de Goetz

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