Paul Bigwood Paul.Bigwood@yaesu.co.uk
Mon, 28 Jan 2002 11:03:41 -0000

Hi all,

SOAB G3WYW BARTG Sprint 2002

80      7   70    0    5
40     26  255    0   13
20     67  680    2   25
15     42  460    7   20
10     38  475    7   20
Total 180 1940    16  83

Points 192,060

Rig 100W FT1000MP MK5 TU Maplin TU1000 RX FSK TX
Software WF1B 

Contest started great, and I was having a ball. Broke off for dinner on
Saturday evening and that was it. 

Central heating went on the blink and spent the rest of the evening and
Sunday trying ( unsuccessfully) to fix it. Am now waiting for a plumber to
arrive and repair the damage (?) I may have inflicted on our poor Central
Heating boiler for having the audacity to break down in the middle of a
major contest!

So in the end I only operated for about 6 hours.

Highlights:  Being called by AA5AU, Bon ZL2AMI and a couple of JH1's 

Lows: Have someone say TU PAUL in their report and not have my messages
programmed to respond in the same manner. SRI guys. Fixed next time!

I also saw the note on the reflector about dropping the dash between serial
numberss and like Phil I also dropped it and I reckon that I got fewer
requests for repeats than I did for the other contests. For me its a done
deal. No dashes. The extra time for the figs shift is worth it.

73s de Paul G3WYW