wa9als wa9als@starband.net
Sun, 7 Jul 2002 20:58:19 -0500

Using the IC-706MKIIG at 100W FSK RTTY to a 20M HamStick on a mag mount on
the roof of a Suburban and very limited operating time, I found the

DXCC MIX 9:  DL, G, HK, K, OK, ON (MM), SP (Pawel), VE, YU (Arpad) (5 PHONE,


Usually I could find at least one RTTY QSO in progress.  I could usually
turn up a QSO by calling CQ, and then, several more would follow.  If I was
spotted, then there would be a brief little "pile-up".  Sure not as many in
the RTTY segment as around 070!  I expected PSK31 to be the mode of choice
for this trip, but I was pleased that RTTY ended up being fairly active.

I was very happy with FSK RTTY (thanks Icom!).  Very nice reports.  However,
PSK31 was a big disappointment.  I worked 2 stations - One gave me a
horrible RST, something like 241 (love those honest RSTs!).  Another said he
could hear someone calling, but there was "RFI" present.  I noticed some
strange behavior and finally concluded that I must, in fact, have some RFI
source when AFSK.  As I would advance the sound output from the laptop, I
could never get a smooth increase in power output or ALC indication.  It was
one of three observations - 1) No output, 2) "spiking" readings from none to
full indication (feedback?) for PO and/or ALC, or 3) Steady, full output
indication if I turned up the audio far enough.  I'll bet the latter was an
ugly signal!  The output from the laptop sounded OK in its speakers when I
tried listening to that, so there has to be some RFI somewhere later.

I mentioned earlier that I used a power inverter to power the laptop - But
the RFI problem discussed above is unrelated to that and occurred with the
power inverter OFF.

I assume I have the same problem with AFSK RTTY, but I haven't tried that.

HIGHLIGHTS:  Working Dave (KC5JDD) as his first ever RTTY contact!  Working
Jon, Len, and Arpad of contesting genre.

Anyway, could someone please tell me if they've ever heard of mobile RTTY
before?  This really worked out nicely, and I hope some more of you will
consider it, especially if the XYL and/or harmonics are good drivers!

73 - John