[RTTY] RE: second soundcard
WA9ALS - John
Mon, 8 Jul 2002 12:15:22 -0500
This may not be exactly the answer you're looking for, but if you're running
Windows, you shouldn't need to assign IRQs. Windows will do it for you. I
four com ports on my system and can run programs requiring all four at the
time - normally difficult or impossible on a DOS system. Com1 is for radio
control of the Kenwood, com2 is for PTT under WriteLog, com3 is for CW
under WriteLog and com4 is an external modem. All four can operate
simultaneously. I've operated successfully this way on Win98 and WinXP.
I'm no expert on this, but N1RCT's old RTTY web site had a little discussion
about this. He made the point that FSK/PTT -only- transmit data and can
share a com port (IRQ) with something else. In Bill's example, the "usual"
would be for COM 1 and 3 to share the same IRQ - Com 1 is rig control, but
COM 3 is only for CW keying. A similar analogy is present for COM 2 and 4.
I've shared COM ports before like this, especially a modem and an FSK/PTT
cable. I would think that rig control would be more demanding (tx/rx) than
a modem, especially fi the modem were not in use. I'm sure the modem and
rig control couldn't share the same com port, but some of these cables we
make for fsk/ptt/cw -can- share with other devices at times.