Frank Hunt ditdah@infogen.net.nz
Sun, 21 Jul 2002 22:51:41 +1200

Dear diary,
1900utc - (0700 local), got out of the sack.
1915 - got coffee and toast checked out the bands, nuthin!
1920 - got the latest solar index and K number and ran W6EL's 
probablegation prog (nice prog), yes 10m should be opening up 
very soon to NA, also 15m with lower signal levels.
2030 - finally heard something, KH6ND 1st qso, we're on the way!
2200 - no other signals heard, except John VK4UC, qso total still 
stands at 1. S-meter rises to a shuss level of S5 and stays there, 
must be a flare or something. Decided to give the plum trees a 
good winter prune.
2210 - whoops, pruned the top of my little finger on left hand.
0130 - returned from hospital, few very weak signals on 20m.
0300 - signals up now, working a few, discover my keyboard typing 
skills have been reduced by 50%.
0530 - 40m starting to open, called lots of folk, but only worked 
Steve W1SRD in CA.
0600 - get the dinner call right on time!

Here's the breakdown:

band	qso's	mults
40		1		1
20		36		27
15		1		1

Score - 1,102
Operating hours - listening only about 5 hours, listening and 
transmitting about 3 hours.
Team - TCG Diddle Hounds

Thanks, hope to cu in the Russian contest if it's on.

73 Frank ZL2BR