[RTTY] DJ3IW and NAQP (long)

George Johnson George Johnson" <w1zt@arrl.net
Mon, 22 Jul 2002 09:58:44 -0400

Goetz and all,
Good question... and maybe provocative also...  I can add another
possible cause and question.

I noticed this same effect in NAQP and also believe in reciprocity.  As
Ekki noted, I think stations do use 100w.  But I also think antenna
direction is a factor in not getting signals through.  If someone's
"beam" is in another direction, as the S&P station you may copy him just
OK but with QRM from his "intended" direction he may not be able to copy
you.  I saw this quite a bit in IARU WRTC when I would call an OJ
station with his beam on Europe.  I could copy him but it was hard to
get his attention over the closer Eu stations and 90 degree direction
shift in his antenna.  They used 2 element antennas and once I could get
their attention I heard the big difference with they moved them closer
to my direction.  And I was using a KW here to their 100w.

Here is a little more provocative observation and question.  If the
CQing station is busy using 2 or more radios and not listening to audio
on his CQing radio, he needs very clear print (read big signal) to get
your call.  Or else your are buried in text noise.  He might hear your
audio if he was listening...  but is he actually listening???

This is in addition to the "normal" and frustrating delay that goes with
trying to work a station that is time sharing me with his other radio on
another band.

Flame suit is on...  I have to paint my house...  I will monitor the
Xray flux and Rx audio for incoming signals...

73, George .. W1ZT

----- Original Message -----
From: "DJ3IW Goetz" <dj3iw@t-online.de>
To: "RTTY" <RTTY@contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 7:17 AM
Subject: [RTTY] DJ3IW and NAQP (long)

> Here comes a maybe "provocative" comment or question:
> One way propagation or what?
> As in many other RTTY contests I noted the phenomenon of what seems
> to be "one way propagation". It manifests itself as follows. With my
> equipment as described above and the help of my amp where allowed,
> I receive NA signals with decent strength, print is mostly without
> Calling these stations for a contest QSO yields no result. They just
> calling CQ...
> Given the "level playing field" of 100W max power in NAQP I feel that
> those stations I can copy without problems should although be able
> to copy my signals. But again I experienced several cases of this
> peculiar type of "one way propagation".
> Possible causes?
> 1) QRM at their end? But they keep calling CQ on and on.
> 2) Their receive capabilities are not on par with their TX power
>    (Chen mentioned 25kW) and multielement stacked Yagis at great
> 3) These stations are just not interested in a non-NA(USA) contact?
> I really would appreciate your opinions.
> Thanks to all of you who worked me, even despite marginal signals in
> some cases!
> 73 de Goetz
> dj3iw@t-online.de