[RTTY] WAEDC RTTY Certificate Received

Shelby Summerville k4ww@arrl.net
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 06:58:46 -0400

"Jürgen Krumm" <DJ5JK@gmx.de> wrote: "In many years
(since 1969) I never found a way to get rid of all my QTCs.
And I really know how to handle QTCs fast, always
trying hard to motivate my QSO partners."

Hello Jurgen. This past year, 2002, was my first "more than casual" entry in
WAE, simply because I wasn't comfortable, and didn't want to interrupt
others scoring, with handling QTC's! I've only been doing RTTY for 5 years,
and am quite unreceptive to change or any variance from my own personal
"comfort level"! I managed 686 Q's and 563 QTC's, mostly because other
stations were willing to "work with me"! I also entered M/O, trying to get
my son, now 30 and licensed for 20 years, re-interested in amateur radio,
especially RTTY! I suspect that there are many like me, uncomfortable with
the format, but with more experience, will gain the comfort necessary to
send and receive QTC's? I will enter this year's WAE with a different
mind-set, and hopefully will be able to increase, not only, my Q count, but
also QTC's! It's things like the passing of QTC's that give WAE a distinct
and interesting format, which I suspect is the main reason for its
C'Ya, Shelby