[RTTY] Best RTTY rig?
WA9ALS - John
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 22:21:08 -0500
> Yeah, but how many of you have antennas that can handle 1000 watts of
> carrier for any length of time? It's a waste of money to have that kind of
> power when all you're going to do is melt your antenna.
Good point, Marty. I've burned up 2 traps on an R-7 and several baluns on
Carolina Windoms finding the unadvertised melting points!
> Few tribanders can do it; probably none of those that use traps. Force 12
> tribanders can handle full power just fine (not a trap to be found).
> Cushcraft and Mosley most definitely cannot.
Good reason to get Force 12! No melts! No critter-homes! No water
bottles! 3 yrs RTTY contesting at 1000 and (rarely) 1500W, through 3
Indiana winters. F12 = highly recommended! That said, don't you think the
TH11DX would handle full power RTTY since the traps are only on the
directors? No?
> I doubt any verticals can do it - possibly a Butternut, but I wouldn't bet
> on it. Put that kind of power into a Cushcrap, Hy-Gain or GAP and it'll
> become a smoking hunk of plastic in no time at all.
I -would- bet on the Butternut! After much searching and a strong personal
recommendation from a RTTY contester, I put up a Butternut HF9V last fall.
It has taken RTTY contesting at 1000W without any shorts, gradually changing
SWR etc. I love it. I've even given it workouts at 1000W on 40M for a
"prolonged" gab, - without a problem. I'd recommend it strongly for RTTY.