[RTTY] Parody Island DXpedition Update #1
Ekki Plicht
Sat, 30 Mar 2002 02:01:38 +0100
> Since the island is claimed by both the United States and Mexico, it falls
> under the same category as Spratly and we can make up any callsign we
> wish. Any suggestions?
Though I like Billys proposal with the highly variable callsign, we should
choose one which is most intelligible in SSB (Or any voice mode).
How about TP3SSB ?
- "Tee Pee Three Ess Ess Bee" ... so far, so good.
Now, after some of that sponsored beer:
- "Eee Hee Heeee Sllll Sss Beeee"
Now imagine, if we could get some real seniors to participate with their 3rd
generation teeth - taken out. Sounds something like this:
- "Eee Eee Eee Efff Efff Heee"
The variations in the logs of our listeners are countless.
Since we rotate by the hour, the next op would come running, out of breath:
- "Wiff iff Heee Heee Heeeee Effff Effff Heee - Feeee U Feee U, liffenin
ufff" (Translation: This is TP3SSB CQ CQ listening up). Some splattered
boiled crawfish on the mike and the rigs surface will have to be taken care
of by the nurse. We WILL have a nurse with us, won't we?
73 ;-)
Ekki, DF4OR (packing backpack for expedition)