[RTTY] My thoughts on the UBN's
john woodland
Fri, 10 May 2002 13:51:45 +0100 (BST)
--- "Vladimir V. Sidorov" <eu1sa@belsonet.net> wrote:
> Hello George et all,
> >
> > If anyone has any specific recommendations for
> changes and/or
> > clarification of practices, this reflector is a
> good forum to bring
> > those items up. In addition, I will volunteer to
> carry as many comments
> > as I can to Dayton to help formulate any suggested
> changes that would
> > improve the groups participation.
> >
I can only agree with Walt, what are we going to do
next year if this is not resolved. Are we going to
amend logs to give the correct zone as the checking
software sees it or leave as logged. Besides being
zapped by the ua9s's, I've also got sm5ufb in zone 15
three times. Pity I've got writelog now because under
wf1b I would have been into .air file and checked what
was sent.
> It does not look like there should be numerous
> recommendations or
> suggestions. Just one thing should be set up: the
> log checking program
> should not ASSUME anything. In this particular issue
> the program should pick
> up the zone designator from a log of a station X and
> check all contacts with
> this station taking into account this particular
> designator. That's it.
> Nobody knows and nobody should know why the station
> X sends the zone 17
> instead of 16. Maybe the operator took a trip to a
> neighbouring zone and the
> local legislation allows him not to add any extra
> designator (/portable or
> whatever) to his call. Or the local area designation
> system has changed. Or
> whatever. As long as the operator claims, he worked
> from the zone XX, it
> should be like this.
> The log chacking program does not assume anything
> about relations between US
> calls and their zones (I believe), so what's the
> difference?
> 73,
> "Walt", EU1SA
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