Dick White KS0M@ktis.net
Sat, 18 May 2002 20:11:11 -0500

I didn't spend much time in this contest. But, I spent more time than =
intended and had a lot of fun. I missed all the big guns who were in =
Dayton.  The bands were fair most of the time, but 1800z to 2100z both =
days the bands went dead here in the Black Hole of the Midwest. See you =
in the ANARTS.

    ANATOLIAN  RTTY  2002 =20
    Call used: KS=D8M
    Location:  MO
    Power Out: 100 watts

    Entry Class: Single Op, All Band

    Band    QSOs   Pts  Dist    DX
    20        35   475     3    22
    15        47   660     5    28
        -----   ----  ----  ----  ----
    Total     82  1135     8    50

    Claimed Score: 65830

    Date: 18/05/02  Signature: Dick White   Call: KS=D8M

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