[RTTY] Re: TrueRTTY headaches

Dinsterdog@aol.com Dinsterdog@aol.com
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 23:27:10 EDT

I was finanlly up and running in CQWW with TrueRTTY last weekend but was 
expereincing hot/cold results with the recieve. The best luck I had was on 
15M with the RIT set at plus .50KHz and I worked several stations in a huge 
pile up-  Then I had some luck on 10M with the RIT set -.50KHz.  Some 
stations called me out of the blue and I was able to call a few stations with 
firt time results for a Q-........................the downside is that I have 
done something to kill my TrueRTTY receive decoding ability most of the time. 
 The signal is there, but the decoding is not working at times and I can not 
figure this out.  Moving my RIT up and down does not help .  I am running in 
LSB, reverse mode, like I did when I was able to achieve my brief  runs in 
CQWW, but now, all I can decode is a word here and there- Meanwhile, the 
756pro's RTTY decoder is working fb with the rig set in "RTTY" mode.  -  But 
I have to be LSB with the Rigblaster, and yes, I did figure out to set things 
up for reverse, but it is acting like it did when I tired to receive in LSB 
with the software set for normal mode.  Any one a TrueRTT expert>??? 

The receive software/hardware set up has a major read problem...can anyone 
please suggest a possible cure-  Once in a while, I get lucky and can decode 
a station, but it is getting more and more difficult-

Thx!!  73 Paul  N0AH
Carpenter, WY   

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