Jim Martin
Jim Martin" <MM0BQI@theRSGB.net
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 13:28:51 +0100
What a weekend! The station was set up in our holiday caravan right beside
the beach 35 miles east of Edinburgh.
Band conditions were perfect and it was wall to wall RTTY in the lower parts
of the bands. I managed about 24 hours operating time with the off times
split between sleep, putting up verticals in the (very cold) sea and testing
N1MMLogging program. (If you are looking to try a new logging program make
sure this is on your list!)
The intention was to work SO2R but events overtook me
and I settled for using the MP running 150 watts to verticals in and beside
the sea. What a difference a couple of feet of sea water makes under an
High points were working HC8N on five bands and being called by FK8HN.
Next year the master plan is to have everything set up and working on the
Friday then not move until midnight Sunday!
I even worked a few stations who have still not replied to my direct QSLs
and emails.....
I thought it unwise to mention this fact in the middle of a contest QSO !!
Raw Score
80 66 10 34
40 130 14 56
20 272 19 80
15 311 23 77
10 122 18 49
TOTALS 906 84 296 POINTS 797240
( Scottish mainland NOT Shetland SORRY! )