[RTTY] score PA0VHA cqww 2002

Hans Vernhout vernhout@euronet.nl
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 15:18:13 +0200

CQ World-Wide RTTY DX Contest 2002

 Multi-Op. Single Transmitter (HP)

QSOs  Points   Zones  DX:     States Multipliers Score
80m:    0 0  0 0 0    =20
40m:   175  389  10  39  20
20m:   399  934  23  61  35
15m:   379  964  23  63  39
10m:    47  111  10  18   7

Total:  1000   2398  66  181    101      348      834504

Station Description: TS850 + AL80B
Antenna(s): Groundplane 10, 15, 20 and dipole for 40
Operators: PA0VHA  PA3BSQ

fb contest with fb condx

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