Dick White ks0m at ktis.net
Wed Aug 20 10:59:44 EDT 2003

I was not going to say anything, but here is my $0.02 worth anyway.

No one is forcing anyone to enter a contest. If you don't like the rules and
cannot abide by them, just don't enter the contest.  There in no way that
sponsors of a contest can  make rules that everyone will like. But, they
make the rules and you can either join in the fun or stay out. It is your

I note in the SARTG contest that 61 of my 174 contacts have 2by 3 calls.
That does not seem to keep such notables as ZL2AMI and others out of the
contest. I did a lot of CW contests when my call was WB0WLX because I wanted
to. The 2by3 call was not really a problem.  Shall we drop this thread and
let the contest sponsors do their thing ?  If the contest has merit, it will
survive and those who enter will have all the fun.

73  Dick  KS0M
"A not so big gun contester"

Richard C. "Dick" White         ks0m at ktis.net
Fulton,  MO. 65251

Amateur Radio Station - KS0M   (ex WB0WLX / KC0MY )
ARRL  Honor Roll / CW  -  5BDXCC / CW  #3295
Life Member American Radio Relay League

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