[RTTY] SCC Contest Points

Richard Ferch ve3iay at rac.ca
Fri Aug 22 12:23:29 EDT 2003


My reading of the rules is pretty simple. I interpret it as 1 point for QSOs
within your own call area (if your country is W, VE, VK, ZL, ZS, JA or PY),
province (LU), oblast (UA9/UA0) or country (all other countries); 2 points
for all other contacts within your own continent; and 3 points for all
contacts with other continents. This is how I scored my own log the last
time I entered, and it was accepted that way.

As support for this, I looked through some recent results, and could not
find a single case where the points per QSO ratio was above 3.

As a side point relating to a different thread, although the SCC rules say
"US stations are kindly asked" to indicate the area they are calling from, I
think the language should be much stronger. As it is, someone operating from
outside his nominal call area could rack up lots of two-point contacts with
other guys in the same city, which is quite obviously not within the spirit
of the rules, regardless of how you choose to interpret the words.


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