[RTTY] SCC Contest Points

Rick Ellison rellison at twcny.rr.com
Mon Aug 25 14:37:09 EDT 2003

As now does N1MM Free Contest Logger.. That is why I asked the question on
points I was writting the module to include in the Logger....

73's Rick N2AMG
rellison at twcny.rr.com

RB> Hi all,

RB> Regarding QSO points in SCC RTTY Contest...

RB> It is just so Rich explained... You can get MAX 3 points for 1 QSO (working
RB> station outside your own continent).

RB> 1. General rule: (1) QSO point is for the contact within your own country

RB> 2. (2) QSO points for contacts within your own continent but outside your
RB>     own DXCC or WAE  country;

RB> 3. Exception for the stations from W, VE, VK, ZL, ZS, JA, PY, LU and
RB>     UA9/UA0:
RB>    1 point: Contacts within your own call area (exp. N2AMG - NW2D)
RB>    2 points: for contacts within your own country but different call areas
RB>   (N2AMG - W9HLY or N2AMG - W2UP/3, JA1AA - JA9XX....)

RB> 4. (3) QSO points for contacts outside your own continent

RB> All the well known RTTY SW on the market have their contest modules written
RB> exactly according the rules and like explained above (Writelog, WF1B,
RB> RckRTTY ...)

RB> 73 de Robert, S57AW

RB> ----- Original Message -----
RB> From: "Richard Ferch" <ve3iay at rac.ca>
RB> To: <rtty at contesting.com>
RB> Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 5:23 PM
RB> Subject: [RTTY] SCC Contest Points

>> Rick,
>> My reading of the rules is pretty simple. I interpret it as 1 point for
>> within your own call area (if your country is W, VE, VK, ZL, ZS, JA or
RB> PY),
>> province (LU), oblast (UA9/UA0) or country (all other countries); 2 points
>> for all other contacts within your own continent; and 3 points for all
>> contacts with other continents. This is how I scored my own log the last
>> time I entered, and it was accepted that way.
>> As support for this, I looked through some recent results, and could not
>> find a single case where the points per QSO ratio was above 3.
>> As a side point relating to a different thread, although the SCC rules say
>> "US stations are kindly asked" to indicate the area they are calling from,
>> think the language should be much stronger. As it is, someone operating
RB> from
>> outside his nominal call area could rack up lots of two-point contacts
RB> with
>> other guys in the same city, which is quite obviously not within the
RB> spirit
>> of the rules, regardless of how you choose to interpret the words.
>> 73,
>> Rich VE3IAY
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>> RTTY mailing list
>> RTTY at contesting.com
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RB> ----- Original Message -----
RB> From: "Rick Ellison" <rellison at twcny.rr.com>
RB> To: <rtty at contesting.com>
RB> Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 5:20 AM
RB> Subject: [RTTY] SCC Contest Points

>> Could someone clairify the QSO points for the SCC contest for me..
>> Looking at the web site rules I see the following:
>> - One (1) QSO point for contacts within your own DXCC or WAE country;
>> I understand this one
>> - Two (2) QSO points for contacts within your own continent but outside
RB> your own DXCC or WAE  country;
>> I understand this one
>> - Two (2) QSO points for contacts between different W, VE, VK, ZL, ZS, JA
RB> and PY call areas, LU provinces and Asiatic Russia UA9/UA0 oblasts;
>> This one gives me trouble. In reading this If I have a contact with a
>> station in say VE1 would that contact count for 2 points or would it
>> be 4 points. Is it
>> Two (2) QSO points for contacts within your own continent but outside your
RB> own DXCC or WAE  country;
>> and
>> Two (2) QSO points for contacts between different W, VE, VK, ZL, ZS, JA
RB> and PY call areas, LU provinces and Asiatic Russia UA9/UA0 oblasts;
>> A. I'm N2 and I'm working VE2 so the second line is true
>> B. I'm in K and working VE its my own continent but outside my DXCC so
>> the first line is true
>> So is it 2 points or 4 points?????
>> - Three (3) QSO points for contacts outside your own continent.
>> Now if I combine this with the above does that mean I get 5 points if
>> I work  VK1????
>> Would I get 2 points for rule #2 and 3 points for rule #3
>> 73's Rick N2AMG
>> rellison at twcny.rr.com
>> AIM:n2amg

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RB> RTTY mailing list
RB> RTTY at contesting.com
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