[RTTY] 1A0KM Press Release

Don Hill AA5AU aa5au at bellsouth.net
Sat Dec 27 09:56:52 EST 2003

The following press release was put out about the activation of 1A0KM.  I sent
an E-mail to the address given below asking about RTTY.  I receive an automated
response which I pasted below the press release.  Since I don't read Italian, I
don't know what it says but I don't see any mention of RTTY or a website listing
for more information.  Does anyone know if they will do RTTY?

73, Don AA5AU

>The following comes from Luciano Blasi, I0JBL:
>                           > > > 1A0KM PRESS RELEASE < < <
>   Following the significant number of "new one" request received in these
years, a team led by Francesco IK0FVC, will 
>activate 1A0KM during the week end from January
>the 2nd  to January  the 5th 2004.   Others team members will be I0JBL, 
>IK0FTA and
>   Beginning from this operation the QSL manager for the 1A0KM's activities
will be Sergio IK0FTA.
>   For further information an e-mail address will be activated: 
><mailto:1a0km at sixitalia.org>1a0km at sixitalia.org


Caro amico,
la tua email e' giunta ad uno degli operatori di 1A0KM.
A volte la risposta ale domande che ci vengono sottoposte sono "standard" e'
possono trovare soluzione visitando la pagina web.... 
 Se cosi' fosse alla tua emal non sara' dato seguito.
 Alla stessa maniera per verificare se il tuo nominativo h nel log di 1A0KM ti
preghiamo di verificare sull'apposito WEB SEARCH ....
 Solo se avessi riscontrato delle inesattezze scrivici una email completa di
TUTTI i dati del tuo qso NEL SOGGETTO DELLA EMAIL e riceverai una risposta
personale in breve tempo.
 Grazie per l'attenzione!
 Il team di 1A0KM.

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