Fred Souto Maior
py7zz at soutomaior.eti.br
Wed Dec 31 14:38:10 EST 2003
Attention: All RTTY Contesters
From: Glenn Vinson, W6OTC, CQ RTTY Contest Chairman
The CQ World-Wide RTTY WPX contest is run each year on the SECOND FULL
WEEKEND OF FEBRUARY. Accordingly, the CORRECT dates for the 2004 running of
the CQ World-Wide RTTY WPX Contest are FEBRUARY 14-15, 2004. Logs are due
by March 19, 2004.
As a result of an editing error by me, an earlier date has been published in
January 2004 CQ Magazine. The CQ website is being modified this week to
show the correct dates, but the January issue of CQ has already been mailed
and shows the incorrect date. I have asked John Dorr, K1AR, to publish a
correction in his Contesting column in the February issue of CQ.
Please accept my apologies for this error. But please do participate on
February 14-15. Here are some statistics for your information: Logs
submitted for September 2002 CQWW RTTY: 925; for September 2003 CQWW RTTY:
1150; for February 2003 CQWW WPX: 853; for February 2004 CQWW WPX: ?. Each
of these contests has set a new record for submissions, and each receives
more logs than any other RTTY contest. Let's hope 2004 will see another new
record for CQWW WPX submissions.
In any event, please SPREAD THE WORD among RTTY Contesters world-wide of the
CORRECT date for 2004 RTTY WPX.
Hello Scott:
I'm sure this message answers all your questions.
73s Happy New Year to everybody.
Fred - PY7ZZ
-----Mensagem Original-----
De: "Scott Nichols" <snichols at mvosprey.com>
Para: <RTTY at contesting.com>
Enviada em: Quarta-feira, 31 de Dezembro de 2003 14:35
> Guess I've been asleep...Just started filling out the 2004 calendar...CQ
> WPX RTTY and XE RTTY both on the same weekend (Feb 7 & 8) according to
> ARRL website and all the rules pages...WA7BNM calendar has CQ WPX RTTY
> on Feb 14/15...
> What's up ??...These have never been on the same weekend...Something
> tells me that WPX was likely rescheduled to the 7th due to Valentines
> Day ????
> Not hard to predict which one will suffer from this...
> New meaning for SO2R I guess...Busy weekend...Big headache...
> Scott VE1OP
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