[RTTY] Minor chuckle

MIKEHAACK at aol.com MIKEHAACK at aol.com
Mon Feb 3 19:20:06 EST 2003

In a message dated 2/3/2003 5:59:51 PM Central Standard Time, 
jeflanders at comcast.net writes:

> If K6STI 
> had priced his software at maybe $19.95, wouldn't we ALL be using it now, 
> he would have actually made MORE from it, and nobody would have bothered to 
> try to crack it???

 Actually I would offer that, If Brian K6STI had priced it at $19.95 he would 
have made about 80% less then he did.  The same Operators that bought it 
still would have. And some people will do anything to avoid paying, even if 
he'd offered it at a dollar.. they'd still be trying to break it.

 73 de MIKE WB9B


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