[RTTY] Condx/Activity

Kok Chen chen at mac.com
Sat Feb 8 09:22:58 EST 2003

> Last night I worked, finally, an HG1 with a good signal who was 
> sending just
> "599 012"  with no space or BK or CR following.
> ...
> I know I'm fussing to the choir, here.

Speaking of the choir... last night I had someone lecture me
for a minute that I should add a C/R to the end of my exchanges.
Only after that did he confirmed my contact, otherwise I would
have S&P'ed on, HI HI.

Funny thing is I already do have C/Rs -- to both the beginning
and end of exchanges :-).

Now, it is possible that I have translated C/R into L/F before
sending the exchange out to the TNC with the new program
I am using...  Always fun to try out completely new programs
in the middle of a contest :-).

Real teletypes distinguish between C/R and L/F.  In the former
case, it would return the carriage to the start of the current line;
the L/F is what advances the carriage to the next line.  (And you
need to pad with a bunch of NULLs.)  What is the practice of
common RTTY programs today if I were to send only a C/R
or if I were to send only a L/F?  Right now, on receive, I treat
both as a "newline" character.  Do all programs do that?

Chen, W7AY

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