Terry Dunlap kk6t at joneslumber.com
Mon Feb 10 11:00:46 EST 2003

Call:  KK6T

Band    QSOs    QSO points      Prefixes        Score:
80m:       4    8          1
40m:      29    74        14
20m:     128    210       62
15m:     260    479      112
10m:     118    215       38
Totals: 539     986     227     223822


This was my first CQ/RJ WPX and sure wish I had paid more attention
to the scoring.  Had problems with RF on 40M and 80M wouldn't load for
some reason but had I realized that points were double on 40/80 I sure
would have toughed it out.

Still learning the ropes of contesting but felt more comfortable CQing and
was even able to QSY for a few mults without losing my CQ frequency.

Thanks everyone for being patient with me.

73 de Terry KK6T

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