Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604 faunt@panix.com
Tue, 7 Jan 2003 11:51:41 -0500 (EST)

Here's the message from K3LT.  He's up for skeds, but you see how e
does it.

73, doug

From: YoDoc@aol.com
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 21:16:00 EST
Subject: Re: Thnaks for contact in RTTY RU.


Thank you for your very kind comments; the pleasure was all mine!
My station consists of an Icom IC-735, running about 25 - 35 watts to
an indoor parallel dipole for 20 and 10 meters.  I also have a dipole
with an automatic antenna tuner on my balcony, it's for 10-meters
only and the dipole legs are in the right-side-up "V" or "rabbit ears"
configuration.  I was operating using the Mix-W digital mode software
running on a 350 MHz Windows 98 computer and using a K4ABT
sound card interface.  I also operate RTTY and PACTOR using a
Kantronics KAM-Plus multi-mode TNC.  In almost ten years living in
this apartment, I've made over 1500 QSO's using this setup, exclusively
on CW and digital modes.  I also operate FM voice and packet on 
2-meters and 70 cm.  

If any of your friends need Delaware confirmed on RTTY, PSK31,
PACTOR, or CW, I'd be pleased to help if I can!  Have them E-mail
me.  I've given out a great many "last contacts" for WAS to people
needing Delaware in digital modes and CW.  I wish I could get
the same kind of help with Hawaii, North Dakota, and just about
all of New England!  The system I use for giving out last contacts
is this:  you call me long distance (I'll give out my phone number
in an E-mail) and we make the QSO right then and there, if
propagation permits.  Once we have a good two way contact,
you send me a QSL with SASE and you've got it!  I don't even try
to do "scheduled" QSO's because I invariably fail to make contact
due to our timing being off or something.  

Thanks again, and hope you did well in the contest.  I only made
26 contacts (total) on 40, 20, and 10 meters!  I still sent in my log,
so someone will get a laugh out of it!  

I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year!

73 de Larry, K3LT
Vice President, Kent County Amateur Radio Club (W3HZW)
Vice President and Trustee, Dover Amateur Radio Club (W3DOV)
Dover, DE