[RTTY] PSK and also MFSK!

Roy Dancy n4an at ala.net
Mon Mar 24 11:19:12 EST 2003

I bet this guy is trying to convert folk to using MFSK.  the only trouble is
this means will NOT work.  He should just turn off his transmitter and go

y3 y'all N4AN  RoY

----- Original Message -----
From: "joseph duerbusch" <jduerbusch at earthlink.net>
To: <rtty at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 5:45 AM
Subject: Re: [RTTY] PSK and also MFSK!

> I have noticed that if I call CQ on 14080 RTTY that there is a ham in W1
land will start up MFSK.  He is always on, and is guarding that frequency to
keep any and all other signal away.
> Friday evening when the ST0RY was on 20 meters, this W1 called and called
on MFSK to his imaginary friend.  His real purpose was to keep 'his' freq
> How do you get these guys to listen before xmiting??  It is beyond me to
understand how normal hams can get this way.
> Joe K0BX
> http://www.qsl.net/k0bx
> k0bx at qsl.net
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