[RTTY] VE7CF CQWW03 SOAB High claimed

Jack Wiebe parbuster at telus.net
Wed Oct 1 22:19:04 EDT 2003

Another great contest by the CQ/RJ gang!  Lot's of participation, and quite good propagation.  I even worked one new country, 9J2KC in Zambia.  Only downside for me was lack of much activity on 10 and 80 meters.  
Here the results of my effort.
Jack, VE7CF

CQ WW RTTY Contest 2003
Call used: VE7CF
Location:  BC

Entry Class: Single Op, All Band High

Band    QSOs   Pts   QTH    DX  Zones
80         7    12     6     2     2
40        66   137    27    14    10
20       372   882    49    40    28
15       380   958    48    59    25
10        16    34     7     6     7
Total    841  2023   137   121    72
Claimed Score: 667590
Software: RTTY by WF1B  v5.02 
Power Output: 400 watts from IC-765 es Heath HL-2200 amp.
Antennas: 3-el yagi 10/15/20M & Inverted vees 40 es 80M.

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