WA9ALS - John wa9als at starband.net
Sun Sep 7 21:10:00 EDT 2003

> I believe anyone who had chicken pox as a kid has a 20% chance of getting
> shingles.  The RTTY doctor (WA9ALS) can correct this if I am wrong.  I am
> one of the lucky 20%. And in 20% of those who get shingles the pain does
> not go away.  Please Lord don't let me be that cursed! Eventually I will
> get over this (I hope) and the station will finally get back to its usual
> state of chaos which is normal.  The strange thing is while I miss
> contesting, life without it for a while seems OK.
> If seems if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all!

Geez Larry, hit by lightning -and- shingles?  I hope you bought a lottery
ticket - the one-in-a-millions things seem to be finding you!

At 55, I can't wait for my first shingles.  Count your blessings though
Larry - not everyone gets shingles on their torso.  (You can get them
anywhere that nerves go...  ;-)

Neurontin?  Now I've heard of everything.  I'll bet it's not helping much
and was expensive...

Hang in there Larry - It WILL go away.  The antiviral med is to help prevent
the postherpetic neuralgia he mentioned.

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