[RTTY] Re: Rtty and Ritty

Richard Kriss aa5vu at arrl.net
Tue Apr 20 10:52:21 EDT 2004

Charlie, KI5XP

At first I thought it was me only but I have found my PK-232 with the really
old MacRATT software copies RTTY much better than any sound card application
I have tried. I  have even tried MMTTY running under Virtual PC. If there is
a new one with a weak signal that I really want to work, I use the PK-232 vs
the sound card applications.

I feel most people use the sound card technology because it is easy rather
than better.  It does not surprise me that your KAM out performed the sound

Dick, AA5VU

> From: "Charles Morrison" <cfmorris at bellsouth.net>
> Subject: [RTTY] Rtty and Ritty
> Taking into consideration what numerous people have said on the reflector
> and other places on the web for some time, I've either got an extraordinary
> Kam or a horribly misconfigured MMTTY.  The reason being, that I found
> instances where the Kam actually copied characters that MMTTY didn't.  I sat
> there watching two ea stations working each other and with all the qsb and
> flutter and such, and neither was extraordinary in copying.  However I
> didn't find the kam to error that much.

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