[RTTY] FT1000MP is FSK (Mark V also is FSK)

Steve Holton sholton at optonline.net
Sun Aug 29 11:49:46 EDT 2004

>Ian White wrote:
>It also seems likely that the Mark V and the MkV Field also generate
>true FSK in the same way, by directly programming the carrier DDS... but
>please can owners of these rigs confirm from the detailed schematics?
>Look for a module labeled "CAR DDS" near the center of the schematic for
>the AF board. If it's there, the MkV and Field will be true FSK like the
>original MP.

I checked my FT 1000MP Mark V schematics and the RTTY keying line goes 
directly to the CPU and there is the "CAR DDS" unit on the AF board. In 
this case it actually agrees - which is not reliably the case in general 
-with the Mark V Technical Overview document which claims it's true FSK.

73 Steve Holton N1NB

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