[RTTY] OK RTTY Rule change!

Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Fri Dec 17 11:55:23 EST 2004

Hi all,

Has anyone else noticed that the rules for the OK RTTY contest have changed

In the past, you had to work at least one OK station to get any points, but
the rules for this year state:
Final score = Total points all bands X (total DXCC countries PLUS OK
stations in all bands).

This means that Writelog will not score the contest correctly!
The rules state that a seperate log for each band is needed, PLUS a summary
sheet showing scoring etc.
No mention of Cabrillo?? I am sure I submitted a Cabrillo log last year!

I know it is a bit late to notice this, but I will still be having a go,
despite the weather here! We have strong gale force winds up to Force 9, and
the wire antennas are flying around rather a lot.

73 all, and good luck in the contest

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