[RTTY] MMTTY 1.65B and Windows 98SE

Jeff Stai WK6I wk6i at twistedoak.com
Fri Dec 31 18:50:08 EST 2004

At 03:18 PM 12/31/2004, J. Edward (Ed) Muns wrote:
>I'm setting up a couple of laptops for SO2R with WriteLog and MMTTY.  One of
>the PCs is running Windows 98SE and MMTTY 1.65B locks up about every 4-5
>transmissions, and then closes down.  I re-loaded MMTTY 1.65 and everything
>seems to work fine.  Is this a known problem?  Any fixes or advice?  Or, is
>it unique to my setup? 

go to the Misc tab and set the sound card priority to "Highest".

at one point there was a note about setting the sound card buffer size to 
512 but it looks like that parameter no longer exists...

- jeff wk6i

ps: yeah, I know...

Jeff Stai               jds at twistedoak.com
Twisted Oak Winery      http://www.twistedoak.com/
Rocketry Org. of CA     http://www.rocstock.org/
Amateur Radio           WK6I 

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