Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Sun Jan 25 16:00:15 EST 2004

Hi all,

Conditions definitely seem to be on the way down, but there were a number of
RTTY regulars playing in the 160m contest!
There seemed to be a lot of stations sending reports without ANY callsign
attached, which I am sure will affect my log. At one point during a nice
run, I had several stations just sending serial numbers at me without any
identification, and it seemed that some were not the ones I had just sent a
report to.
Also kept getting blasted by CW, Packet and Pactor QRM.
Nice to work all 6 continents, and all 10 callareas of the USA.

Anyway, here is what I managed:
Band           QSO
80m             30
40m             18
20m             91
15m             75
10m             13
Total Q's     227
Continents:     6
Call areas      15
DXCC             51
Claimed score:  89892

4X     5B     8P     9A     9M2    CM     CN     CT     CT3    DL

EA     EA8   ER     ES     EU      F       G      GM     GU     HA

HI      I     JA       K      LA     LU     LZ     OH     OK     OM

ON    OZ   S5     SM     SP     SV     TA     UA     UA9    UN

UR     V3     VE     VP5    YB     YL     YO     YU     YV     Z3


Call areas:

K0   K1   K2   K3   K4   K5   K6   K7   K8   K9

VE1  VE2  VE3  VE9


Many thanks to all for the contacts, and see you in WPX!

very best 73 de Phil GU0SUP

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