Tom Homewood w1to at adelphia.net
Thu Jun 10 08:26:57 EDT 2004

I guess that 92,723 is also wrong. I wondered about that.

To add to Tom's comments I have found Bill Moore to be very responsive to
any questions or problems I have ever had with DXCC.

Tom, W1TO

----- Original Message ----- 

> a little brag time and a short story follow:
> In February 1979, operating as KL7JDH in Anchorage AK, I received WAS
> SSB #30,612.  Of interest, to me anyway, was that everyone of those
> QSO's was obtained within 3 hours while operating in the ARRL 10 meter
> contest in December of 1978.
> Later, in April 1980, while still in Anchorage and having upgraded to
> EXTRA Class and receiving the call of KL7Q, I received DXCC PHONE
> #10,284.  I was mildly surprised that the number was that low.
> In November 2002, having retired to Alabama and changing my call to
> WX4TM, I received WAS RTTY #383. This time I was very surprised that
> this number was so low.
> After much procrastination and having worked 235 RTTY, I finally got up
> enough cards to submit for DXCC RTTY. So in May of this year, my cards
> were submitted and approved for DXCC RTTY. Last week, I received my DXCC
> RTTY Certificate. Not only did I get 'A' certificate, I got TWO of them!
> Both were identical!! You can imagine my surprise at that.. and dismay
> when I noted the number was #92,746! How in the world could it possibly
> be that high?
> Today, I finally decided it was time to question the ARRL about the two
> certificates and, what I felt to be, the extremely high RTTY DXCC
> number.
> I was amazed that, in less than an hour, I received the following
> response:
> -----------------------------------------
> Hi Tom:
> I caught the numbering issue last Friday and have been preparing
> replacement certificates to go out for about 7 people.
> You're actual number is 1,363.
> Your replacement will be sent right away.
> My apologies for the confusion.
> Regards
> Bill Moore NC1L
> DXCC Manager
> -----------------------------------------
> Whew! that's cool. I'm surprised the 1,363 number is so low!
> I'm also impressed! Everybody makes mistakes now and then. But its how
> they admit it and professionally respond that counts. And in this case,
> my thanks and appreciation go out to Bill Moore at ARRL for handling
> this issue in such an expedient and professional manner. Some folks at
> ARRL sure nuff do try hard. It shows.  And there's lots of us out here
> who really appreciate it.
> Thanks Bill.
> Tom Moore, WX4TM
> (and to clarify: though we might share the same last name, as far as I
> know Bill Moore and I are not related in any way..  hi hi ).

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