[RTTY] viruses

ka3hsw at earthlink.net ka3hsw at earthlink.net
Mon May 3 22:58:39 EDT 2004

On 3 May 2004 at 18:19, Tom Osborne wrote:

> Hi All
> I don't know what is going on but I got emails with viruses today
> from:
> W1JR
> ccc with an email address of arrl.org.
> This has been an ongoing thing and I get these every day.  I don't
> even know if these are legit calls or not, but they are sending out
> emails.
> Tom W7WHY

Virtually every virus circulating on the Internet today "spoofs" the sender's address, 
by borrowing one that it finds in the address book or cached web pages of the 
infected computer.  So, other than looking at the IP addresses in the header of the 
e-mail (which many of the viruses also spoof...) there is no way to tell who it actually 
came from.  But one can say with almost 100% certainty that it did NOT come from  
the person whose e-mail address it appeared to come from.  I have even received 
infected e-mails in the past, supposedly from myself!  A quick check of the header 
showed that they were totally spoofed...

73 de KA3HSW

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