[RTTY] RE: Keyboard templates

Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Tue Oct 19 12:39:20 EDT 2004

Hi all,

I saw Don's posting about keyboard templates and was a little surprised that
so many folk don't seem to use such things!
Some while ago, I used a piece of stiff card and cut it to fit between the
Esc key and the Print Screen key, sitting over the whole range of F-keys.
I made it wide enough at the top to accomodate both the normal F-keys, and
also the Shifted F-keys.
I then drew lines around them, and inserted the more common buffer messages
in a short-hand that I could understand.
The whole piece of card is stuck to the top of the keyboard area using some
of that blue sticky stuff from a well-known manufacturer!

I have got so used to what is there that I don't really need reminding for
MOST of the contests, but it can be useful in WAEDC, which is next month!

I guess the best answer would be to create such bits of card for each
contest, and then be able to swap them as needed.

73 all

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